Elected Officials
House Representative District 39
Megan Cotter
As a working mom, I know Rhode Island families deserve better from our state government, and that’s why I am running again to represent District 39 at the Rhode Island State House. Now more than ever, we need to give our community a voice in the General Assembly that understands this District, and I am committed to promoting compassion and unity over hatred and division.
Richmond Town Council
Samantha Wilcox
Councilor Samantha Wilcox started her public service as a member of the Conservation Commission and Dog Park Committee. She was elected to the Town Council in 2022. During this time she focused on key issues that are important to Richmond, including protecting our environment, ensuring our tax dollars are spent wisely, expanding beneficial business development, and increasing transparency and civic engagement.
She championed several initiatives to benefit our town, many of which passed Council with a 3 to 2 vote, including,
Authorization of a voter approved $2.5 Mil Bond for Repairs to our Roads (3-2);
Learn365 - An opportunity funded by the state to bring after school & vacation educational programs to students (3-1);
Partnering with the YMCA for use of their community room funded by Learn365 (3-2);
Creation of a Long-Term Capital Improvement Strategy (5-0);
Establishment of a Municipal Court (3-2); and
Proposed and created a Small Business Grant which gave 9 local businesses assistance with expansion.
She took multiple steps towards the ultimate goal of revitalizing Main Street including approving an evaluation of the infrastructure capacity and creation of a vision for the growth of Wyoming. She advocated for and voted in favor of the Aquifer Protection Overlay District. These updated ordinances expand uses allowed on commercial properties while protecting our water supply. (3-2)
Public servants are elected to serve and represent our constituents, and she makes every effort to be available to hear your concerns and keep residents informed.
Chariho School Committee
Jessica Purcell
As the parent of two children in Richmond Elementary School, I’m driven every day to ensure that they receive what they need to thrive. As a member of the Chariho community, that drive extends beyond my own family. I believe that all students need and deserve a quality education that is delivered in a safe and supportive environment.
Strong schools are the heart of a strong community. In addition to K-12 education, our schools provide employment opportunities and essential benefits for teachers and staff. The whole community prospers when we share strong educational values and work together to address the real challenges that students of Chariho face. As a School Committee member, my top priority is our students and making our district the best it can be. I serve as a partner to all stakeholders, and believe in the strength of collaboration to meet the needs of this moment and also the needs of future generations.
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